Thursday, April 12, 2007

And The Academy Award Goes To...

Knowing that Sandi was going to be gone this evening, I tried to think of some neat things to do to keep the kids occupied. In trying to brainstorm (well, maybe a light shower, not a storm) this idea, I thought of making a stop motion movie. How I thought of this, I have no idea. Justin's ability to have random thoughts must be rubbing off on me.

So we set out to make a movie. I told them to keep it simple, so we go with Legos! Legos are always a fan favorite. After thinking of what we wanted to do with the Legos, we came up with the following! Enjoy and look for us at the Academy Awards one year!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Up and Coming Artist...

Well, we know that Derek is type A and is a budding soccer star. Justin is musically inclined and likes to do crafts (in between his bouts of apathy). Carley, we are still trying to figure out. A few days ago, we got a small glimpse of Carley's artistic side. Here is the evidence.

We just hope she takes to coloring on paper very soon!

A Six Foot Four Bunny?

As many of you know, I am involved in many committees, associations, etc. in our local community and church. One of these is being the president of our community civic association. It is fun being involved in this capacity for our neighborhood, however, it does take me out of my comfort zone once in a while. So, let's recap last Saturday.

I wake up to frigid temperatures and a biting wind. Snow was falling lightly on this blustery day. You are probably thinking why I am describing the weather, well, last Saturday was our community wide Easter egg hunt. Twenty degrees, snow, and an Easter egg hunt! Are you kidding me?!?! Around noon, I go to help set up for the hunt and find out that no one has stepped up to be the Easter bunny. So, as pres, the bunny stops here. Yes, yours truly was the Easter bunny for the Easter egg hunt, and, I had a great time. It was a lot of fun posing for pictures with the kids and seeing the smiles and excitement in their faces. To mark the occasion, here is a picture of the Easter bunny with my kids!