Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yes, I am still alive...

Well, it has been a few weeks since the last post. Hey, it happens. Life gets fun, busy, etc. and you turn around and ask yourself where the last few weeks went.

I am happy to report that all is well. Soccer and baseball are in full swing (no baseball pun intended). The weather has finally decided to get nice and stay nice. This is huge for us as all three of our children would rather be outside ALL OF THE TIME! This is good in the summer, bad in the winter. I thank God everyday for the healthy kids that we have. I also pray that they will be good and that no major wars break out. Knowing that God has a sense of humor, he has answered the first prayer and is teaching Sandi and I something by not answering the second prayer!!

Ah, yes, we did have a major event! Yes, the mower started this spring!
Happy mowing, and remember, when you kids bring you that bouquet of dandelions, cherish it. They love you!

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